Wiltshire Off-Road League (WORL)

…and they are off!

The season has now started and there is plenty of time to join in the fun. If you have never tried off-road running this is a wonderful opportunity to get started. The race events are extremely friendly and informal – there is occasionally cake too!

The standard of runners at these events covers the entire spectrum, so don’t worry if you are a plodder who enjoys the scenery rather than a heads down speed merchant racing to get home. Nearly everyone finishes with a big smile.

You can find the full fixture list on the webpage here.

The next two races in the calendar are:

Race#2Avebury 8 hosted by Marlborough RC21st NovDetails HERE, Enter HERE
Race#3Yarnbury Yomp 10k host by Shrewton RC28th NovEnter HERE

The Yarnbury Yomp is a brand new race hosted by Shrewton Running Club – it is close to Stonehenge, so grab yourself a spot and enjoy the best of the Wiltshire countryside – I’m in!

The Avebury 8 is a very popular regular fixture that takes you near the famous Avebury stone circle – why not do both ancient Wiltshire sites of interest.