Wiltshire Road and Off-Road Race League Rules

The Wiltshire Road Race League (WRRL) and Wiltshire Off-Road Race League (WORL) are both an annual series of races open to the athletes belonging to clubs affiliated to Wiltshire Athletic Association. The WRRL is managed on behalf of the Wiltshire Athletics Association by the Road Running Secretary and the WORL is managed on behalf of the Wiltshire Athletics Association by the Cross Country (XC) and Off-Road Running Secretary.

For the purpose of these rules, the term ‘League’ refers to either WRRL or WORL and the term ‘Secretary’ refers to the secretary responsible for the respective League.

The combined Road Race and Off-Road Race League Rules are available here. These rules apply to both leagues from October 2021 and onwards.

In order to apply a fair and consistent set of rules for both leagues, the rules have now been combined into a single set. There have been some clarifications in the rules but no significant changes. This will allow the leagues to be operated and managed using a single set of processes.