Wiltshire Junior Race League (WJRL) Fixtures 2025

Welcome to the 2025 Wiltshire Junior Race League (WJRL). Below are the first 7 (ideally out of 8) Wiltshire Junior Race League fixtures for 2025.

We’re pleased to announce the first seven races in the 2025 Junior League. There will be eight races in total but we are waiting to see if we can find new races in different parts of the county before confirming the final one. The best six results will count. If you are a race director and are planning on holding a suitable junior race please get in contact either for this year or for 2026.

The DB Max Mile race dates are still to be confirmed so we will communicate the one that will be part of the Junior League as soon as possible.

Race1: Smartt Smasher 1 Mile – 16 February https://www.entrycentral.com/Smartt-Smasher

Race 2: Calne Clock Change Challenge 1.5k – 30 March https://wiltshirecouncil.eventrac.co.uk/…/spring-clock…

Race 3: Devizes Half 1.5 Mile – 6 April https://www.devizeshalfmarathon.co.uk

Race 4: Semington Slog 2k – 10 May https://www.entrycentral.com/semingtonslog25

Race 5: DB Max 1 Mile (date TBC) https://dbmax.co.uk/events

Race 6: Hazelbury Hurrah Junior Race – 11 July (not yet open) https://corshamrunningclub.co.uk/hazelbury-hurrah/

Race 7: Little Tuckers 3k – 5 October (details to follow)

Race 8: TBC

We are always looking for organised races suitable for our junior athletes, so if you are an Organiser and would like your event considered for a future season of the League then please contact the Junior Athletics Secretary using our contact form.