Wiltshire Road Race League (WRRL) Fixtures 2025

from Simon Gilbert (24 Jan 25):

I am delighted to be able to announce the fixtures that will form the 2025 WRRL.

The events will be as follows (with best 6 of 8 races scoring):

Race NumberDateRace NameOrganizers
Race 123rd MarchHighworth 5 Highworth RC
Race 2++27th AprilCorsham 10kCorsham RC
Race 313th May, 10th June, 8th July, 12th AugWestbury 5k Series*AVR
Race 4++14th JuneBroad Town 5RWBH
Race 517th June, 15th July, 19th AugHeddington 5k Series*Calne RC
Race 67th SeptemberCompton Bassett 5 mileCalne RC
Race 7++14th SeptemberChippenham HalfChippenham Harriers
Race 828th SeptDevizes 10kDevizes RC

WRRL 2024 Fixtures

*your best time will count for the league result from which team points will be decided.

++ denotes a County Championship race

Where an event is listed as a county championship race, this means the event will be the county championship race for the distance in 2025. The first 3 male and female Wiltshire eligible athletes across the line in those chosen events will be crowned county gold (champion) / silver / bronze for the distance for 2025. Veteran categories will be included on a gold medal basis only.

A note for all competitors: Please try to commit to races early (6 weeks before race day) to help race organisers provision for medical, chip timing, medals, facilities (such as toilet rental), refreshments and drink stations. We wish to avoid organisers being close to cancelling races due to lack of entries 6 weeks before race day.

Best of luck to all those competing next year! I’ll look forward to seeing you all on the start line